طباعة هذه الصفحة

ASPA-Riyadh Declaration

الثلاثاء, 05 أيار 2020 13:51

إعلان قمة الرياض باللغة العربية متوفر على الرابط التالي




إعلان القمة باللغة الإنجليزية أسفله 



The Leaders of the Arab and South American Countries gathered on 11/11/2015 in Riyadh upon the kind invitation of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and after reviewing the progress made in various areas of cooperation between the two regions since the III Summit in Peru in October 2012 that issued "Lima Declaration", they agreed to:


1-       Welcome the ongoing intensified dialogue and multinational cooperation between both regions, which enabled them not only to the commitment to the agenda adopted at previous summits, but also allowed to enhance the possibilities of cooperation as means of effectively promoting development and reducing poverty, through capacity building, innovation and technical and cultural exchanges.

2-       Consider the importance of undertaking new and systematic efforts in order to develop a strategic partnership between both regions, agree to pursue, promote and follow up on an Action Plan to facilitate the coordination of regional visions towards international issues and to support the implementation of cooperation programs in sectorial fields.

Also agree to strengthen the current political dialogue, aimed at coordinating and reaffirming common positions in all relevant fora, with a view to safeguarding the interests of both regions and respect for the principles of international law, and the role of the United Nations in conflict resolution, the maintenance and consolidation of international peace and security, and the promotion of sustainable development, for the benefit of all mankind. Reiterate their commitment to the promotion and respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and international humanitarian law taking into account the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds. Also note the importance of respecting and implementing resolutions of the United Nations by all Member States.

3-       Taking into account the current events and developments in the international arena and the key role played by the regional blocs and groups, reaffirm their commitment to enhance the Arab-South American cooperation so as to maximize the benefits of the periodicity of the ASPA summits every three years to push economic and social activities between both regions to the stage of establishing a new partnership through the development of programs and policies for joint economic and social cooperation together with the implementation of development projects which is to be considered as a bases for achieving the desired integration between the peoples of both regions.

4-       Note the importance of social inclusion and the promotion of international solidarity and cooperation for sustainable development and poverty eradication, and the strengthening of governmental institutions in their countries and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and respect for the diversity of peoples.

Affirm that South-South Cooperation plays a great role in expanding growth and development of developing countries, through its contribution to national development policies by sharing of knowledge and experience, training and technology transfer in the priority areas defined by States. South-South cooperation will be supported by the international community, as a complement rather than a substitute to North-South cooperation.

Also reaffirm that South-South Cooperation is guided by principles of respect for national sovereignty, national ownership and independence, equality, non-conditionality, solidarity, complementarity, non-interference in domestic affairs and mutual benefit.

In this regard, call for the strengthening of Triangular Cooperation as a way to better articulate North-South Cooperation and South-South Cooperation bearing in mind the principles of South-South Cooperation outlined above

­­5-       Affirm the equal right of all peoples to live in a world free from any nuclear weapons, the realization of which will only be achieved through the complete and irreversible elimination of all existing nuclear arsenals. To this end, invite the international community to adopt a more effective approach to implement Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons so as to restore the credibility of the Treaty, which began eroding due to the lack of implementation of the disarmament obligations enshrined in Article VI. Also invite the international community to engage in negotiations, a treaty on the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons under strict and effective international supervision. Reiterate deep concern at the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of such weapons.

6-       Reaffirm that the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is an inalienable right of the States parties to the NPT, and that the application of this right in a discriminatory or selective way will affect the credibility of the treaty.

Political Coordination and Multilateral Relations:

1 -       Reaffirm the resolutions of the 2005 “Brasilia Declaration”, the 2009 "Doha Declaration" and the 2012 "Lima Declaration" particularly related to the cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict and reaffirm the need to reach a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on the principle of land for peace, on the immediate implementation of all relevant United Nations Resolutions, in particular Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and 1515 (2003), on the Madrid Framework and on the "Arab Peace Initiative" adopted at the Beirut Summit (2002) and the following Arab Summits to ensure the realization of stability peace and security for all countries in the region.

Reaffirm the need for the full implementation of the Quartet’s “Road Map” for Peace, call for a renewed and proactive role by the quartet stressing the need for the quartet to keep the Security Council and international community updated on its efforts. Stress that the UN Security Council must carry out its responsibilities under the United Nations Charter and actively support and steer the peace process.

Further reaffirm the need for the realization of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination which ensures the establishment of the independent state of Palestine, based on the 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with the State of Israel in peace, within secure and recognized borders; and finding a just and comprehensive solution to the refugees issue in accordance with the UNGA resolution 194 (III) and the Arab Peace initiative.

 2-       Call upon Israel to immediately withdraw from all Arab territories occupied on June 5th 1967, including the occupied Syrian Golan and the remaining swathes of the Lebanese territory and to dismantle all settlements, including those in occupied East Jerusalem, which are illegal and illegitimate under international law. The continued Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the growing settlements activity promoted by the Israeli Government obstruct the peace process undermine the two state solution and decreases the chances of achieving lasting peace.

          Call upon all concerned parties to duly take into account the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice concerning the "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" and the illegality and illegitimacy of building settlements.

3 -       Reaffirm the need for the immediate and unconditional release of all Arab and Palestinian political prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons, and support all efforts aimed at addressing this critical issue in the United Nations General Assembly and other relevant bodies of the United Nations System. And call upon Israel to stop all the arbitrary detention, abuse and physical and psychological mistreatment of Palestinians including women and children, and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which contradict with international norms and laws and the international humanitarian law including the Geneva conventions.

4 -       Condemn Israel's excessive and disproportionate military aggression against civilians in the Gaza Strip that started in June 2014 and lasted for 50 days, leaving thousands of civilian casualties and wounded. These events must be independently investigated, holding accountable those responsible for violations of international law which resulted in the demolition of homes and residential complexes and infrastructure of Palestinian people and which may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity with no statute of limitation, and holding Israel - the occupying power- accountable for all the human and material damage suffered by the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip due to its action.

5 -       Strongly condemn the military attacks against UNRWA schools in Gaza, resulting in civilian casualties. Those actions represented a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions and other rules of international law and deserve our utmost condemnation.

6 -       Commend the position of the South American countries regarding the recent aggression in Gaza towards the excessive use of military force, which resulted in civilian victims, including women and children, and the measures taken in this respect. Welcome the humanitarian assistance provided by South American countries to the Palestinians, supporting victims and their families, and emphasize the importance of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people by the international community including in the reconstruction of Gaza.

7 -       Call for the immediate and full lifting of the Israel blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which constitutes a collective punishment of its inhabitants in grave contravention of international humanitarian and human rights laws, and stress the urgency of exerting efforts to open all border crossing points supervised over by Israel into and from Gaza with a view to allowing the entry of emergency humanitarian assistance and the access of medical and relief workers to those in need.

8 -      Welcome the ceasefire declaration announced in Cairo, based on the initiative put forward by the Arab Republic of Egypt, and call upon all the concerned parties to create the environment for the continuation of the negotiations and for the resumption of serious and committed negotiations aiming at the end of the blockade of Gaza and, ultimately, at the achievement of the two-states solution in which Israel and Palestine will live within secure and internationally recognized boundaries.

          Welcome the outcomes of the conference hosted by Egypt on the reconstruction of Gaza in October 2014 and, welcome the pledges made by the donors and call them to fulfill them as announced at the conference.

9 -     Highly appreciate the positions of the South American Countries, which recognized the State of Palestine and call upon other countries to follow suit

10 -   Welcome and support the Palestinian leadership’s endeavor in approaching UN and other international agencies and in accession to international treaties and organizations.

11-    Call upon the UN and specially the UNSC to adopt an international protection system for the unarmed Palestinian people and their properties and holy places against all forms of the escalating and continuous Israeli attacks and violations, according to the International Humanitarian Law and the relevant International Conventions and Agreements.

12 -   Call upon ASPA Member States to refrain from trade in products from Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, and avoid dealing with all companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Call upon ASPA Member States to discourage investment in Israeli settlements by their private sector and to alternatively promote business partnership with Palestine.

13  -   Call upon UNESCO to continue to uphold the legal reference underlying its previous decisions regarding the inclusion of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls on the World Heritage List in 1981, at the request of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with Arab and Islamic comprehensive support according to the resolution of the Executive Board of the organization in the September 1981 session, and the resolution issued in 1982, which included Jerusalem on the list of the endangered World Heritage, given that the legal status of Jerusalem as an occupied territory is still standing. And welcome the important agreement signed between King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein (King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) the Custodian of the holy places in Jerusalem and President Mahmoud Abbas (President of Palestine) dated 31/3/2013 aiming at defending the holy Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian holy places and religious sites and protecting them legally with all possible means.

14 -   Reaffirm that no measures, unilateral or otherwise, should be taken which will affect the authenticity and the integrity of the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the City of Jerusalem and of Christian and Muslim Sites therein, in accordance with the 1972 World Heritage Convention and the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954.

          Appreciate the role played by Al Quds Committee under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in protecting the status of Al Quds Ashareef.

15 -    Salute the Twinning Agreement signed between Caracas, Capital City of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and East Jerusalem, Capital City of Palestine, made in Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on May 20th, 2015.

16 -     Condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reject any attempt to associate terrorism with specific religions, cultures or ethnic group. Reaffirm their commitment to the United Nations efforts to counter terrorism and to prevent the direct or indirect supply of weapons or the provision of technical advice or assistance to persons or entities involved with terrorist acts, pursuant to the relevant UNSC resolutions.

Reaffirm the need to combat terrorism through active and efficient international cooperation, including with the UN and concerned regional organizations, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and international law, including applicable international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law.

Affirm their commitment to the UNSC resolution 2170 (2014) with all its provisions, including the obligation to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer of arms and related material of all types and the provision of technical advice, assistance or training related to military activities to the ISIS terrorist group, and Al Nusrah Front and other individuals and groups associated with Al-Qaeda and prevent terrorists from benefiting directly or indirectly from ransom payments and political concessions in return for the release of hostages.

Express their full readiness to cooperate and strengthen the channels of communication and coordination with the various initiatives and efforts at international, national, and regional levels to combat terrorism and eliminate it, particularly in the area of ​​exchange of information and experiences, strengthening and capacity building, as well as to take the necessary measures to prevent the recruitment of elements, especially children and youth, lured into joining terrorist organizations, and call the relevant security and judicial bodies to intensify their efforts and coordinate mechanisms of action in the field of combating terrorism within the margins of international legality.

17 -     Welcome the outcome of the International Conference on Fighting extremism hosted by Algeria on 22-23 July 2015.

18 -     Welcome the outcomes of the International Conference on Combating the Financing of Terrorism hosted by Bahrain during November 2014 and the recommendations in the Manama Declaration, in particular regarding the full implementation of financial sanctions set on individuals or entities according to the relevant Security Council resolutions, and publicly specifying those who finance or help financing terrorism; as well as positively engaging the private sector in the efforts of combating the financing of terrorism, and guaranteeing that money or assets transfer services are licensed, supervised, and subject to sanctions in case of violation.

19 -    Also welcome the hosting of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the near future to the conference on protection of civil institutions against being exploited to finance terrorism.

20 -    Recall United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66/10 which welcomes the establishment of the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre and encourages all Member States to collaborate with it; and applaud the donation by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of $100 million to support the activities of this center.

21 - Welcome the election the Kingdom of Morocco by consensus to co-chair the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF) alongside the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

22 -    Commend the work of the African Centre for Studies and Research on Terrorism with its Headquarters in Algeria.

23 -    Take note of the last Arab Summit resolution to endorse in principle the establishment of a Joint Arab Force, and its mandate to face challenges that threaten the Arab national security including threats by terrorist organizations, taking into full consideration the United Nations Charter and all the obligations under international law, including human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law.

24 -              Strongly condemn all terrorist acts that target Iraq carried out by ISIS terrorist organization and other terrorist organizations and its involvement in killing and forced displacement of the components of the Iraqi people and their targeting on a religious or ethnic basis, the destruction of monuments, shrines, churches, mosques and other places of worship, archeological sites and cultural heritage sites, including the destruction of the museum of Mosul and the antiquities in the historical site of Hatra. Welcome the resolution of the UNGA A/Res/69/281 entitled “Saving the Cultural Heritage of Iraq”. Welcome the efforts deployed by the Iraqi forces in combating the terrorist groups and refusing all forms of external interference in Iraq with emphasis on the condemnation of all practices that would threaten the territorial integrity in Iraq and the harmony of its society, and support the efforts of Iraqi government in achieving national unity among the peoples of Iraq.

25 -    Reaffirm their commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity and their commitment towards a political solution to the conflict based on the principles of Geneva1 Communiqué 30 June 2012.

          Support the efforts of Staffan de Mistura as the United Nations Special Envoy to Syria and his mission to promote the resumption of negotiations aimed at reaching a political solution aspired to the Syrian crisis according to Geneva1 Communiqué 30 June 2012.

          Welcome the results of Vienna International Conference of the Foreign Ministers to reach a political solution to the Syrian conflict, which reflects the seriousness of the international actions and the determination to find a solution ending the suffering of the Syrian people.

Recall the Security Council Resolutions 2209 (2015) and 2235 (2015) that condemned use of chemical weapons in Syria and stressed the importance that all the conflicting parties shall not use, develop, produce, stockpile, retain, or transfer chemical weapons, in addition to the establishment of Joint Investigative Mechanism to identify and hold accountable those responsible for the use of such weapons in Syria.

Welcome the accession of Syria to the CWC and the removal of all declared chemical weapons from its territory and stress these developments should be matched by parallel efforts in other areas.

Express their wider recognition to the outstanding work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to achieve the elimination of chemical weapons, and at the same time, strengthen multilateralism as the primary avenue for the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Also recognize the essential role played by the OPCW-UN Joint Mission on the dismantling of the Syrian chemical weapons’ programme. Welcome this important example of practical cooperation between States and International Organizations in achieving disarmament.

Recall the provisions of United Nations Security Council resolutions 2139, 2165, and 2191 (2014), Express grave concern about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Syria, and the high numbers of displaced people and refugees reaching more than 12 million inside Syria and in neighboring countries, in addition to the more than 4.5 million needing urgent humanitarian assistance in hard to reach and besieged areas in Syria. Taking into consideration the principles of humanitarian assistance, recall that all parties to the conflict in Syria shall enable the immediate and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance to people throughout Syria pursuant to UNSC resolution 2165 (2014) also call for support to neighboring countries to help them bear the costs of hosting the Syrian refugees and ease the humanitarian situation of the displaced Syrians and in this regard recall UNSC PRST no. S/PRST/2015/10 issued on 24/4/2015

Express their appreciation for the significant and admirable efforts that have been made by Arab, European and South American Countries to accommodate Syrian refugees. They note with deep concern that the crisis in Syria has had social, demographic, environmental and economic effects on neighboring and other host countries mainly Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, which have overstretched their limited resources and basic social services such as health, water, sanitation, housing capacities, energy and education; aggravated unemployment; diminished trade and investment; and affected security. They stress the importance of funding the humanitarian and development responses to the refugee crisis, providing support for national response plans, addressing the humanitarian needs of refugees and strengthening the resilience of host countries and communities.

Welcome the hosting of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Donors conferences under the auspices of H.H Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber AL Sabah, Emir of Kuwait to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people, which convened during 2013, 2014, and 2015 in Kuwait.

26 -    Reaffirm the commitment to the sovereignty, independence, national unity and territorial integrity of Lebanon and call upon Israel to immediately implement resolution 1701 in its entirety and unconditionally and to end its violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty by land, air and sea. Support the efforts of the Lebanese Government to defend Lebanon from all the threats to its security and express their understanding of the policy adopted by the government vis a vis the developments in the Arab region, in particular its dissociation policy towards the crisis in Syria.

27 -    Support the UN recognized Libyan Government in its efforts in the Security and military fields to confront the terrorist organizations. Reaffirm the commitment to respect the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Libya, in accordance with the principle of non-interference in internal affairs. Express deep concern about the expanding activities of terrorist groups in the country. Reiterate the support to the ongoing political dialogue under the auspices of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya. Welcome the Skhirat Agreement on a political solution to the crisis in Libya that was initiated by most Libyan parties last July, appreciating the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco in facilitating this agreement. And call upon all Libyan parties to redouble efforts to narrow their differences and remain committed to discussing the establishment of a Government of National Accord. 

28 -    Note the efforts exerted by the Arab neighboring countries to Libya; Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, and Egypt to facilitate the Intra Libyan dialogue

29 -   Call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to respond positively to the initiative of the United Arab Emirates to reach a peaceful solution to the issue of the three islands (Greater and Smaller Tunbs and Abu Musa), through dialogue and direct negotiations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law.

30 -   Express their rejection of any interference in their domestic affairs by external powers in violation of the UN charter and the principles of good neighborliness.

31 -  Welcome the comprehensive national dialogue initiative launched by the Sudanese government on the 10th of October 2015, supported by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) and the League of Arab States to promote this dialogue and encourage the political parties and groups to join it, in order to reach a permanent and comprehensive solution to current national Sudanese issues. Call upon the international community and international financial institutions to support Sudan in its efforts to mitigate the impact resulting from the secession of South Sudan, through the easing of the debt burden and the lifting of the unilateral economic sanctions imposed on Sudan.

32 -  Reaffirm their commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen, as well as to the aspirations of the Yemeni people for freedom, democracy, social justice, development and unhindered access to basic goods and services. Stress their support for the legitimacy of H.E. the President of the Republic of Yemen Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, and to the efforts undertaken by various parties to safeguard the Yemeni State, as well as its institutions, properties and infrastructure.

          Underline the pivotal role a prompt, peaceful and negotiated solution to the Yemeni conflict would play in the overall process of political and security stabilization of the Middle Eastern and Horn of Africa regions.

          Reiterate the importance of the resumption of the political process between all legitimate stakeholders of the Yemeni political scene, with a view to drafting a new constitution, implementing electoral reform and holding both a referendum on the draft constitution and general elections, initiatives that would be instrumental in avoiding further deterioration of the humanitarian and security situation in Yemen.

          Call upon the international community to provide the necessary political, security, economic and financial support so as to enable the Republic of Yemen to face the challenges, especially the humanitarian ones, and to urgently meet its development needs so as to ensure stabilization of the situation and resuming the arrangements concerned with the completion of the democratic transitional phase.

          Stress the need for full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution nr.2216 (2015) and call upon all legitimate parties in Yemen to uphold the decisions adopted by the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference according to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) initiative and all relevant Security Council resolutions.

          Welcome the announcement by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to donate $274 million for humanitarian relief in Yemen. Also welcome the kind initiative of establishing "King Salman Centre for Charity and Humanitarian Relief" and the allocation of an additional 266 million dollars to finance the urgent needs of the center. And emphasize the importance and necessity to take all urgent measures to address the difficult and dangerous humanitarian situation in Yemen.

          Support the efforts of Mr. Ismael Weld Sheikh Ahmed as Special Envoy to the Secretary General of the United Nations for Yemen to enhance the political solution.

33 -   Support the Somali government and its efforts in implementing the 2016 vision. Recognize the importance of the formation of Somali federal state institutions and stabilization of areas newly recovered from Al Shabab terrorist group, and the urgent need to provide humanitarian aid and secure its access to newly liberated areas.

          Emphasize the importance of responding to immediate humanitarian needs whilst also investing in human capacity building and promoting longer-term solutions in line with the Federal Government’s priorities.

          Thank the African Union and the league of Arab States for their sustained commitment to Somalia, and applaud the sacrifice and bravery of the Somali National Army (SNA) and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops to achieve peace

          Welcome the Security Council’s extension of the mandate of UNSOM in support of the Somali Federal Government and AMISOM.

          Affirm the importance of implementing the governmental framework of action “vision 2016” and to achieve significant political progress for adopting a Federal Constitution in 2015 and holding general elections in 2016.

          Emphasize that political progress must proceed as part of a comprehensive approach to peace building in Somalia, and that the promotion and protection of human rights, and the protection of the most vulnerable, including women and children affected by armed conflict, must be our priority

          Reaffirm the importance of strengthening consultations and cooperation between the UN and LAS special representatives and envoys to Somalia in the political, security, humanitarian and reconstruction fields.

34 -   Call on the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to resume negotiations in order to find, as soon as possible, a peaceful and definitive solution to the sovereignty dispute referred to as "Question of the Malvinas Islands", in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions. Reiterate that the pretense to consider the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands as countries and territories to which the Fourth Part of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and the European Union Decisions on Overseas Association may be applied is not in accordance with the fact that a sovereignty dispute over such islands exists. Further state that the unilateral nonrenewable natural resources exploration activities carried out currently in the Argentine continental shelf around the Malvinas Islands are incompatible with the provisions of Res 31/49 of the UNGA. In this regard, recognize the right of the Argentine Republic to take legal actions with full respect of international law and relevant resolutions against non authorized hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities on its continental shelf. Call on the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to refrain from carrying out military exercises on territories subject to a sovereignty dispute recognized by the United Nations.

35  -   In this regard, recall that 16th December 2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of the adoption of UN General Assembly resolution 2065 (XX), the first resolution which specifically refers to the Question of the Malvinas Islands, renewed through subsequent resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly and its Special Committee on Decolonization to date.

          Expressing serious concern over the fact that notwithstanding the time elapsed since the adoption of the General Assembly resolution 2065 (XX) this prolonged dispute has not yet been settled, the Heads of State and Government join other regional fora in asking the Secretary General to renew his efforts in his current mission of good offices entrusted to him by the General Assembly through successive resolutions, in order to ensure that bilateral negotiations to find as soon as possible a peaceful solution to the aforementioned dispute are resumed.

36 -   Express their disappointment and regret at the failure of the IX Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to reach consensus on a final substantive document despite the efforts exerted by the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Chair of the IX Review Conference.

          Reaffirm the importance of implementing the “Resolution on the Middle East” on the establishment of Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction adopted by the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference. And remind that this Resolution is an integral part of the Treaty extension package and remains valid until it is fully implemented.

          Reiterate that regional security and stability in the Middle East require that the whole region be free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. In this context, support the outcome of the 8th NPT review Conference (New York May 2010) which recalled the reaffirmation by the 2000 Review conference of the importance of Israel's accession to the Treaty and the placement of all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards.

37 -    Welcome the initiative of H.E King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain to establish the Arab Court of Human Rights in response to the Arab People’s aspirations, and in conformity with the principle of the Rule of Law which was approved in Doha Summit 2013, and the agreement of LAS Council on the Summit Level in Kuwait March 2014 to the statute of this Court. Also ensure establishment of cooperation in the fields of exchanging experience and expertise between the American Court of Human Rights and the Arab Court for Human rights.

38 -    Express rejection to any unilateral measures contrary to the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in domestic affairs. In this regard, encourage the ongoing dialogue between the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Government of the United States of America in respect to the executive order of the government of USA.

39 -    Express appreciation for the positive steps achieved in Tunisia in its democratic transition, through adopting a new constitution and organizing legislative and presidential elections in a framework of national consensus. Welcome awarding Nobel Prize for peace 2015 to the Quartet sponsoring the national dialogue in appreciation to the efforts exerted to secure the transitional phase in a framework of national conciliation and affirm the need to support Tunisia in this important phase of its history.

40 -   Welcome the appointment of H.H Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah, Emir of Kuwait, as the “Humanitarian Leader”, and commend the indication of Kuwait as an International Humanitarian Center by the UN.

41 -   Welcome the granting of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding Award for His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain, in recognition of his contributions and role in promoting meaningful dialogue between religions and cultures and mutual respect between all peoples and communities, building trust and understanding, and renunciation of hatred.

          Express appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting the Cultures and Civilizations Dialogue Conference 5-7 May 2014, and welcome its outcomes included in the Bahrain Declaration.

42 -    Welcome the assumption by Venezuela of the presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement in 2016 and endorse the invitation for members and observers to attend the XVII NAM Summit, and welcome the results of the NAM meeting hosted by Algeria in 28-29/5/2014.

43-      Welcome the constructive chairing of the Group of 77 and China by the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the successful hosting of the Commemorative Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China, held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, on 14 and 15 June 2014, on occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the G77.

44 -    Commend the positive, effective and main role played by Algeria through hosting rounds of dialogue between the Malian parties, which paved the way to reach the signing of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement between the parties in Mali on 15/5/2015 in Bamako.

45 -    Commend the efforts exerted by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania aiming at establishing peace and security in the Republic of Mali, within the international mediation.

46 -     Note that sovereign debt management has been a crucial issue for developing countries in past decades and recent years and that sovereign debt crises is a recurring problem that involves very serious political, economic and social consequences, with adverse effects on sustainable development;          Note that the restructuring processes of sovereign debt is a frequent phenomenon in the international financial system, and that vulture funds’ actions in international courts have revealed its highly speculative nature, posing a risk to all future debt-restructuring processes. Note, furthermore that the activities of vulture funds have a direct negative effect on the capacity of governments to fulfill their human rights obligations as underscored by resolution 27/30 of the Human Rights Council.          Stress the importance of not allowing vulture funds to paralyze the debt-restructuring efforts of developing countries, and underscore that their actions should not supersede a State’s right to protect its people under international law; and affirm the sovereign right of any State to restructure its sovereign debt, which should not be frustrated or impeded by any measure emanating from another State;

          Reaffirm the full and comprehensive political support given by the Arab and South American States, through UN General Assembly Resolution 69/319, to the adoption of basic principles on sovereign debt restructuring processes with a view, inter alia, to increasing the efficiency, stability and predictability of the international financial system and achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development, in accordance with national circumstances and priorities, and invite all States to support and promote these basic principles.

47 -    Agree to strengthen political and technical dialogue, cooperation and joint actions, where possible, by the ASPA Member States to address the world drugs problem, using an integrated approach adhering to the principles of common and shared responsibility and respect for international law.

48 -   Commend the efforts of the Republic of Peru in preparing the 2015 Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that took place in Lima, in 5-12 October 2015.

49-     Congratulate the success of the 20th Conference of the parties to the United Nations framework convention on Climate change (UNFCCC), held in Lima, Peru, where the Member States achieved substantive progress towards the adoption of a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the convention that is in accordance with its principles and provisions, including CBDR, and that will strengthen the multilateral rules-based system. In this regard, congratulate the Government of Peru for the successful steering of the work of this meeting.

50 -   Welcome the progress made on the peace process in Colombia. Encourage the Colombian government and FARC-EP to make their best efforts to conclude these negotiations as soon as possible and express readiness to provide assistance to support the implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement.

51 -   Commend the continuing work of the South American Defense Council (SADC) of UNASUR, in the consolidation of South America as a Zone of Peace, a base for democratic stability and integral development of their peoples, and contributing to world peace, incorporating the sub regional and national characteristics that strengthen unity between Latin American and the Caribbean and generating consensus to strengthen regional cooperation on defense issue.

52 -    Commend the role of King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud Global Center for Dialogue among Believers of Religions and Cultures in Vienna on 26/11/2012, and call upon all states to collaborate with this center.

Cooperation in Sectorial Fields:

  • Affirm the importance of the implementation of the attached joint work plans in the sectorial fields, as well as the importance of activating the work of the joint sectorial committees which are mandated to translate the resolutions resulting from the sectorial ministerial meetings into joint projects and programs for cooperation (Annex 1: cooperation plans in the fields of economic, social, media and legal).
  • Welcome the results of the sectorial meetings in the fields of education, health and women leaders which have taken place in Peru in 2013 and 2014, as well as the meetings in the fields of energy, intellectual property and diplomatic institutions held in 2013 in United Arab Emirates, Brazil and Colombia respectively, and the ministerial meeting on Culture which took place in Saudi Arabia in 2014, under the mandate of the Lima Declaration, which have further developed important cooperation initiatives.
  • Call for setting specific goals for bi-regional cooperation in the high priority fields of health, education, reduction of poverty, environment, climate change, energy, water resources management, food security and unemployment, to enhance cooperation and promote sustainable development and to establish mechanisms and projects that will effectively contribute to their achievement.
  • Reaffirm that energy should become one of the axes of the bi-regional relationship in the coming years, especially around the subjects of energy production and energy efficiency improvement, the development of the usage of renewable and clean energies as well as developing other strategies in addressing climate change bearing in mind the importance of energy for the sustainable development of ASPA members.
  • Call for enhanced scientific coordination and cooperation, particularly in the fields of information society, adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change, combating desertification, management of water resources and agriculture.
  • Welcome the hosting by Sudan of the 1st Meeting of ASPA sub-committee on Agricultural Cooperation in February 2016 and call for the active participation of ASPA Countries to ensure the success of the meeting.
  • Reaffirm that investment is one of the pillars for economic and social development and represents an important mechanism that effectively help to reduce poverty rates and inequality. Support public and private efforts to promote investments in diverse areas at national and regional levels to facilitate job creation, increase scientific knowledge and education, and promote sustainable development.
  • Reaffirm our support to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and urge countries from both regions to intensify our cooperation in order to implement the Sustainable Development Goal set out by the Agenda and call upon the international community to honor its commitments pledge therein.
  • Welcome the hosting by the kingdom of Bahrain of the Ministerial conference on implementing the development goals in the Arab Countries during 6-7/12/2015, as the first regional conference in the world to be held after adopting the sustainable development plan.
  • Welcome the outcome of the Arab Developmental Economic and Social Summit in Riyadh in 2013.
  • Call fo­r the adoption of further measures to facilitate and intensify technology transfer, trade and investment flows, especially in the fields of food and agro-industries, energy, innovation, infrastructure, tourism, manufacturing sector and information technology.
  • Reiterate support to the work done by Arab South American Library and research center (BibliAspa), the Arab south American Library in Algeria and the Arab South American Institute in Morocco and call upon the Arab and South American countries to contribute to support these initiatives with a view to ensure their sustainability.
  • Note with satisfaction the positive outcome of the Fourth Arab & South American Business Forum held in Riyadh on the sidelines of the Fourth ASPA Summit for the purpose of enhancing economic cooperation between both regions.
  • Take note with satisfaction on the outcome of the study on maritime connectivity among Arab and South American regions by LAS, and call upon ASPA Countries to encourage their public and private sectors to invest in this field of cooperation and this matter to be followed up by both regional coordinators.
  • Exchange experiences between the Arab and South American Countries in different fields of Tourism, architectural heritage, organizing trips and touristic events, excavations, and holding touristic media week.
  • Welcome the significant increase of global trade and investment between both regions since the holding of the First, Second and Third ASPA Summits, stressing that there are still unexplored possibilities, which would allow for increased growth and diversification of bi-regional trade and investment.
  • Welcome the signing of the Framework Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between MERCOSUR and the Republic of Tunisia and the Memorandum of Understanding on Trade and Economic Cooperation between MERCOSUR and the Republic of Lebanon, Recalling that MERCOSUR has also signed Free Trade Agreements with Egypt and the State of Palestine, as well as Framework Agreements with the Kingdom of Jordan, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Syrian Arab Republic, Reaffirm their interest in strengthening trade relations and economic cooperation among ASPA member States.

18 -    Commend the progress achieved in the field of the cultural cooperation between the Arab and South American countries, Affirm the importance of implementing what was agreed upon in the joint meetings of the Ministers of Culture that were held in Algeria (2009), Brazil (2009), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2014). Recommend that practical steps are to be taken to assure the implementation of the Action Plan adopted by the ministers.

19 -             Reaffirm the positive role of South American nationals of Arab descent in transmitting the knowledge and culture of their country of origins and bridging the two regions. Recall that the transfer of Arab culture to their new homeland gave birth to a new hybrid of the two cultures and created a new blended culture on its own.

20 -              Welcome the annual celebrations organized by the League of Arab States and its missions abroad on the occasion of “the Arab Expatriates Day” on the fourth of December, as well as appreciate the initiatives of the South American countries to celebrate the descendants of Arab Origin, in particular the annual Brazilian celebration of the “National Day of the Arab Community” on March 25, and encourage organizing similar cultural events follow.

Follow up mechanisms and ASPA Structure:

To develop the ASPA structure mentioned in para (119) of “Doha Declaration” issued by the 2nd ASPA Summit in order to make it more dynamic as follows:

  1. (Highest level) The Summit, formed by Heads of State and Governments, to meet every three years;
  2. (Second level) The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, to meet every two years;
  3. (Third level) The Council of High Officials from Ministries of Foreign Affairs, formed by the National Coordinators (Focal Points), to meet every year;
  4. (Fourth level – 1) The Sectorial Committees, formed by experts in each area (Nodal Points), to meet at least twice a year; and to activate the work of these joint committees as follows:

-      The Presidency of the committee should be held by the host country of the last ministerial sectorial meeting in the field of cooperation.

-      The President of the Committee is to send invitations and decide on date and venue for its meetings, and determine its agenda and working program in coordination with the General Secretariat (Coordinator of the Arab countries) and Brazil (Coordinator of the South American countries).

  1. (Fourth level – 2) The Executive Coordination Group, formed by the Chair of the Arab Summit, the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, representing the Arab Countries, the Presidency of the UNASUR, and Brazil (which will temporarily join this group until the General Secretariat of UNASUR becomes fully structured), representing the South American countries. In addition to ASPA Troika (the host country of the previous ASPA Summit, the host country of the current ASPA Summit and the host country of the next ASPA Summit), with a mandate to do the following:

1-    Follow up on the implementation of the outcome of the ASPA Summits and ASPA Sectorial meetings.

2-    Suggest new initiatives to foster bi regional relations.

3-    To meet prior to HOM to coordinate positions between both regions on the agenda of the meeting and other matters related to it.

4-    To meet for consultations on the sidelines of International Fora, to coordinate positions on matters of mutual interest.

5-    To convene its meetings for consultations at the level of high officials or if needed at the Ministerial level on the sidelines of UNGA ,

Welcome the offer of Venezuela to host the fifth ASPA Summit which will take place in city of Caracas in 2018.

Express high appreciation and gratitude for the leadership, government and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the warm reception, gracious hospitality, and for the excellent organization and preparation of this summit.


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